Letters to the Editor


The Prince of Egypt: Moses’ Conflicted Identity

Moshe Pinchuk

Miqra as Oral Torah, Written Torah and Digital Torah

Seth Kadish and Ben Denckla

Hakhel: An Alternative Interpretation

Bezalel Naor

Who or What is Argov? A Philological Survey of a Difficult Lexeme

Reuven Chaim Klein

The Meanings of the Words חורף (=the season) and נחרפת (Lev. 19:20)

Mitchell First

Contemporary Issues in Halakhah and Hashkafah

“Halakhic Man in Gaza”: A Practical Rejoinder

David Hoffman

Response to Ḥakirah Readers

David P. Goldman

Treatment of Hunger-Striking Prisoners

Shimon (Seymour) Glick

Israel: Title Matters

Leonard Grunstein

Which Precedes the Other: The Giving of a Get or the Resolution of End of Marriage Matters?

A.   Yehuda Warburg

Talmud Torah

Talmud Reclaimed and a Battle Over Methodologies of the Rishonim

Shmuel Phillips

Rejoinder: Reclaiming Talmudic Complexity

Eliyahu Krakowski

Jewish Thought

The Mystical Medicinal Power of the Jewish Book

 Zachary L. Grayson

The Baal Shem Tov’s Expanded View of Hashgaḥah Pratit and its Impact on the Minds and Hearts of the Jewish People

Michoel Rotenfeld

Dancing on High: Cosmic Circumambulation and Apophatic Ascent, from Sanctuary to Synagogue

Aton Holzer


The Struggle of Rav Elazar ben Shimon and His Colleagues

Asher Benzion Buchman

Rabbi Meir and Nimos the Weaver: Contrasting Views of the Feminine Aspect of Creation

Yisrael Isser Zvi Herczeg

Of a Prophet, a Prostitute, and Pesaḥ

Jonathan Ziring

History of Halakhah

The Development of Washing Hands Before Eating Bread

Zvi Ron

Taḥanun After Sukkot

Moshe Becker


The Sticks and Stones of Athens and Jerusalem: Re-Examining the Evolution of the Jeremiah-Plato Encounter in its Modern Contex

Tzvi Benoff


Haym Salomon and Jewish Exclusion from the Historiography of the American Revolution

Nick J. Sciullo

Hebrew Articles

האם מצוות ציצית צריכה כוונה

 יהושע גרשטיין

בין ארץ ישראל לבין אמריקה: על אודות גורלם השונה של הסכמים קדם-נישואין דומים, בישראל ובאמריקה

יוסף יצחק איידלר